Throughout my art career, the three storied apartment building, commonly called a “tripledecker” (or in the vernacular, “tripledeckah” has often been a motif I explore. Of course, in my neck of the woods they are everywhere, so if you’re an urban landscapist it’s hard to avoid them. But they are also a deep part of my heritage. In fact, the first apartment my parents brought me home from the hospital to was in a triple that still stands on the south side of Brockton. And one of my own first apartments was the top floor of another one on Hillberg Ave. Many of my relatives, friends and acquaintances lived in them and the spiraling staircases to the 2nd and 3rd floors are a common pathway in my psyche. To me, tripledeckers represent family life, multi-generational living and interdependency. I’m comforted that they stand tall in my world.